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Solar Shed


Updated: Apr 21, 2021

When our clients purchased an electric vehicle and replaced their ancient oil-fired heating system with a much more efficient electric heat pump system, they decided to install an array of solar panels to generate electricity to operate both. Avid gardeners, they also had a need for a large garden shed (small barn), so they wanted to build a shed that could accommodate the solar panels on the roof. They had an idea of what they wanted the shed to look like, and we helped them to design a building that matches the character of their hundred year old house, accommodates their functional and storage requirements, and optimizes the orientation and angle of the large solar array.

Here's the initial sketch.

This side faces the house and the road.

There's a covered area for seasonal outdoor storage.

The contractors, Dave Hamann and Mark Slauson of D.V. Hamann, lent their craftmanship to the "no-plywood" construction.

This side faces the garden.

This side faces the sun.

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